Upcoming/recent shows:
06/06-13/06: Zenit, Sigurd Rings Gata 9, Hägersten
31/05-31/05: Debugging, Galleri Konstfack, Tellusgången 16, Hägersten
26/04-24/05: Handels x Mejan, Sveavägen 65, Stockholm
09/09-01/10: Galleri Arnstedt, Postridarensväg 18, Östra Karup
18/08-23/08: WIND INSTRUMENT - Konstnärshemmet Brucebo, Själsö Själsövägen 5, Visby
25/05-11/06: Avgångsutställning | Master of Fine Arts - Royal Institute of Art group show, Konstakademien, Fredsgatan 12, Stockholm
14/10-23/10: ZIPPER - Royal Institute of Art solo graduation show, Galleri Mejan, Exercisplan 3, Stockholm
15/09-01/10: Insidan är större än du kan föreställa dig utifrån - Vasagatan 25, Stockholm
Audio excerpt
A dark passage in the gallery space. Two ultrasound speakers are playing separate audio tracks. One speaker is looping recordings of rainstorms, the other speaker layers dance music in various tempos. The tracks fall in and out of sync, going from a rain-like state to gradual unison. The ultrasound speakers enable a directional type of listening, only in the very middle of the passage the two tracks mix.
2019, Galleri 54, Gothenburg
"Dômens Stipendiatutställning"
An analog audio installation, repeating every 7 minutes. The plastic "lung", connected to a system of tubes and flutes, fills with air. The flutes are tuned to create the "beat frequency" phenomenon which we perceive as a pulsating variation in volume. The pitch and "beating" tempo changes over time as the pressure builds and declines.
2019, Dômen Konstskola, Gothenburg
Group Show - "Dômens Vårutställning"
In collaboration with artist Alex Valijani. An interactive and ever changing 3D world, presented directly in the web browser. Continous updates are communicated to the audiance through "patch notes".
The player spawns into the landscape with a randomised set of conditions, this becomes your unique point of view.
2021, The world wide web
2021, Marabouparken Konsthall, Stockholm
Graduation Show BFA - Royal Institute of Art - "MUST REMAIN OPEN AT ALL TIMES"
A sculptural object, a node in a network, a rebooting device. Every direction in the room has its own transducer audio source, vibrating low frequency soundscapes through the surfaces. The sounds are recorded from within walls in an apartment complex. The materials serve a direct acoustical purpose while simultaneously building the narrative of something hidden, something in-between.
More info in the BFA catalogue:
2021, Marabouparken Konsthall, Stockholm
Graduation Show BFA - Royal Institute of Art - "MUST REMAIN OPEN AT ALL TIMES"
2022, Mellanrummet, KKH
"Never Ending" - Exhibition and zine release
Pressed Scilla Sibirica, blotting paper, old newspaper, pine, 39x26x4cm
Pressed Scilla Siberica. Presented directly in the flower press between some blotting paper, old news papers and pieces of pine. The heading reads "Natalia is fighting her chronic fatigue".
Also, centerfold image for zine "Never Ending":
2022, Mellanrummet, KKH
"Never Ending" - Exhibition and zine release
Pressed Scilla Sibirica, blotting paper, old newspaper, pine, 39x26x4cm
2022, Projektrum: Augsburg, Vasagatan 25, Stockholm
"Insidan är större än du kan föreställa dig utifrån" - Group exhibition in old locale of "Systembolaget"
Pine, beech, glass wool, 111x205x10cm
Splinter is one work of many in a group show we put up in Systembolagets old locale at Vasagatan.
Participating artists:
Aron Agélii
Astrid Braide Eriksson
Niklas Breimert
Ylva Kublik Borg
Max Landegren
Ossian Söderqvist
Exhibition text: (Swedish)
Ljuset är en förutsättning för en effektiv arbetsmiljö. På lagret ligger ett modulbelysningssystem staplat på hög. En integrerad lösning som kan anpassas efter behov. Delarna lösgörs i övergångsfasen mellan verksamheter som när en app på telefonen raderas och alla ikoner skakar. Belysningsmodulerna har riktats om och kastar ett jämnt ljus över delar från en avbruten produktion. Delarna av trä bär potentialen att bli en möbel. Fönstret mot Vasagatan blockeras av tillfälliga väggar i masonit och skymmer utsikten in.
Vad gör du?
Jag gör ett fönster
Bra idé
Säger man att man tittar på fönstret eller att man tittar ut genom fönstret?
I det här fallet, säger man att man tittar på fönstret.
Väggarna existerar inte
Golvet existerar inte
Du måste låta det förflutna vara det förflutna.
Jag kommer att kliva in och
Insidan är större än du kan föreställa dig utifrån
2022, Projektrum: Augsburg, Vasagatan 25, Stockholm
"Insidan är större än du kan föreställa dig utifrån" - Group exhibition in old locale of "Systembolaget"
Pine, beech, glass wool, 111x205x10cm
2022, Galleri Mejan, Exercisplan 3, Stockholm
Ongoing work, pine, glass wool, receipt, dandelion
Ongoing experiments with insulation material and wall framing standards.
2022, Galleri Mejan, Exercisplan 3, Stockholm
Ongoing work, pine, glass wool, receipt, dandelion
2022, ZIPPER
Master graduation show, Galleri Mejan, Exercisplan 3, Stockholm
Video documentation link:
Exhibition text: (Swedish)
Dess yttre gräns rör sig någonstans i utkanten av det fysiska. Ljudets vibrationer och ljusets värme känns. Mönstret i bilden är verkligt, det existerar inte bara i tanken. Visst är väl tankar också verkliga, fast inte på samma sätt. Zoomar man in eller ut tillräckligt mycket så ser allt i princip likadant ut, då spelar ingenting någon roll längre.
Det är inte själva mellanrummen och övergångarna, men det bor där inuti. Det måste vara där, för att allt ska fungera. I och för sig så fungerar det inte alltid, men det försöker. Det är en nödvändighet lika mycket som en konsekvens. Det är funktion, möten och strukturer. Spelplanens regler. Sten, sax, påse. Trappa, tunnel, bro. Likheter och skillnader väger lika tungt i ett mönster.
Det föds ur det matematiskt perfekta, det som vi aldrig kommer kunna göra rättvisa. Det väver samman, håller isär, bär upp och trycker ner. Det är passiv-aktivt. Vi ser det inte, för det mesta. Limmet som sammanfogar delarna söker ingen uppmärksamhet. Vecken i pappret ger pappret sin form.
2022, ZIPPER
Master graduation show, Galleri Mejan, Exercisplan 3, Stockholm
Video documentation link:
2023, Slutningar
Ongoing work, Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm
Ash, beech, 14x24x5cm (left) Pine, beech, 35x35x220cm (right)
Ongoing work, experimenting with handles in ash, beech wedges and plugs, ZIPPER-like constructions in pine.
2023, Slutningar
Ongoing work, Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm
Ash, beech, 14x24x5cm (left) Pine, beech, 35x35x220cm (right)
2023, Konstakademien, Stockholm
Royal Institute of Art MFA Graduation Show
Video documentation link:
Two fan-driven sounding pipes, integreated into the existing hand rail. Taking advantage of the acoustic phenomenon "acoustic beat" or "svävning" in swedish. Installed in the entrance staircase of Konstakademien.
Video documentation link:
Read more about the show:
2023, Konstakademien, Stockholm
Royal Institute of Art MFA Graduation Show
Video documentation link:
2023, Konstakademien, Stockholm
Royal Institute of Art MFA Graduation Show
Video documentation link:
A "swarm" of sounding fan-driven PVC pipes. Taking advantage of the acoustic phenomenon "acoustic beat" or "svävning" in swedish. Placed at the bottom of the staircase in Nikehallen, Konstakademien. The air pressure produced by the fans is increased and lowered over time.
Video documentation link:
Read more about the show:
2023, Konstakademien, Stockholm
Royal Institute of Art MFA Graduation Show
Video documentation link:
2023, Konstnärshemmet Brucebo, Visby
Solo show "Wind instrument", ending my stay at the Brucebo residency program
Video documentation link:
A tiny exhibition in one of the forest pavilions at Konstnärshemmet Brucebo, showcasing a selection of experimental works made during my residency at Konstnärshemmet Brucebo. With limited tools and locally sourced materials, I attempt to translate and adapt my artistic practise to the new working conditions at Gotland. Inspired by the strong winds and unique vegetation, I put together an installation of sculptural constructions and an ever changing ensamble of juniper pipe instruments.
Video documentation link:
2023, Konstnärshemmet Brucebo, Visby
Solo show "Wind instrument", ending my stay at the Brucebo residency program
Video documentation link:
<iframe class="youtube-video" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>
2023, Galleri Arnstedt, Östra Karup
Solo show, showing selected sculptural works from my master degree show
I was invited to show sculptural works from my master degree show alongside some new works in wood. The big space at Arnstedt has a unique concrete floor with subtle natural imperfections. It made sense to give my "ZIPPER"-sculptures lots of space here, with their sharp points in different materials interacting with the matte floor, furthering their contrast while almost completely removing the shadows they usually cast on the ground. The room acts as a sound piece in itself, with its long reverberations making peoples voices blend together in a soft and stretched manner. The bigger sculptures—which are made out of long, cut up steel tubes, a plank of wood and a roll of cable protection plastic—fold up and into themselves, closes their open ends into sharp points. These shapes elude the soft reverberations, absorbing nothing. In this installation setting, I am struck by the way a thin closed shape not only becomes "anti" its environment, but also literally stops interacting with it acoustically, contrasting the open ended wind instruments I am exploring in many of my sound works.
More info and images here:
2023, Galleri Arnstedt, Östra Karup
Solo show, showing selected sculptural works from my master degree show
2024, Stockholm School of Economics, Sveavägen 65, Stockholm
"Handels x Mejan" - Group exhibition
Part of the yearly Handels x Mejan exhibition at Stockholm School of Economics. More images coming soon.
"A little gift, a deck of cards, was carefully wrapped in printer paper.
We put our hands to work, we create something precious, we give it time.
An anonymous commodity becomes an expression of care.
Every crease, infused."
More info:
2024, Stockholm School of Economics, Sveavägen 65, Stockholm
"Handels x Mejan" - Group exhibition
2024, Ateljéutställning, Sigurd Rings Gata 9, Hägersten
Group show, showing new sculptural works and two sound works
More info, pictures and video documentation coming soon.
2024, Ateljéutställning, Sigurd Rings Gata 9, Hägersten
Group show, showing new sculptural works and two sound works